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Steal from Anywhere

According to Jim Jarmusch stealing can be positive. Controversial, right!

When I first met Marty Orton and the team at Bold he also introduced me to a bunch of others, whom I haven’t met in person quite yet. Through the magazines, publications, blogs and other online platforms. People like David Hieatt, Ian Sanders, Seth Godin, Stephan Sagmeister and many more.

I’m getting to know them better everyday. And they are a unique group that do not stay comfortable. Those that do! And those that do things the right way, and those that inspire you to do things the right way! Those that do not negotiate quality over anything they create – whether it’s a product or an idea or a concept. Those, that live through work, those that see work as a gift, that see being happy as a gift, that see being honest as a gift, that see sharing ideas as a biggest gift of all! And they are vocal about it. People with a taste for life. Where mediocre is just not an option.

And so I steal from them! Every day! And somehow, I feel that everyday I am becoming more and more of my own person. And my ideas, or their ideas through my own adaptation are not staying in anymore. And never will.

So steal on! But also, let others steal what’s best in you! And always remember what Jean Luke Godard said: ‘Its not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.’

Marta Lukoseviciute

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